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Why Should You Add Groundnut Oil to Your Diet?

  • Jul 19, 2024

Let’s discuss the benefits of incorporating groundnut oil into your diet. While there are many types of cooking oils available in the market, this particular one holds a special place when it comes to nutrition and health. Groundnut oil, also known as peanut oil, is extracted from the groundnuts or peanuts and has been used for centuries in various cuisines around the world. However, beyond its culinary uses, this golden-hued oil offers an array of nutritional benefits that make it a valuable addition to any diet. In this blog, we will read deeper into why you should consider adding groundnut oil to your daily meals for better health outcomes. So, let’s explore all this versatile and nourishing cooking oil offers. 

Health benefits of groundnut oil 

Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil, offers a surprising range of advantages that go beyond its delicious nutty flavor. Let’s delve into the science-backed reasons why this versatile oil deserves a spot in your pantry. 

1. Heart-healthy fats: Not all fats are created equal! Peanut oil boasts a significant amount of monounsaturated fats, the “good” kind. Studies show these fats can lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol while raising HDL (“good”) cholesterol, reducing your risk of heart disease. 

2. Blood pressure support: While more research is needed, some studies suggest that regular consumption of peanut oil may contribute to healthy blood pressure levels. This potential benefit might be due to the presence of certain plant compounds, although more investigation is needed to confirm the exact mechanism. 

3. Vitamin E powerhouse: Unlike many other vegetable oils, peanut oil is brimming with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin shields your cells from damage, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. 

4. Glowing skin from within: The vitamin E in peanut oil doesn’t just benefit your insides! It can also enhance your skincare routine. Vitamin E promotes healthy skin cell turnover, potentially reducing the appearance of blemishes, wrinkles, and premature aging. So next time you’re looking for a natural way to boost your skin’s radiance, consider incorporating peanut oil. 

5. Culinary mastermind: Get ready to unleash your inner chef! Peanut oil’s high smoke point makes it a champion of high-heat cooking. It can withstand frying temperatures without breaking down or releasing harmful toxins. This makes it perfect for everything from stir-frying to deep-frying, adding a subtle nutty flavour to your culinary creations. 

6. A potential ally against cancer: While more research is necessary, some studies suggest a link between regular peanut oil consumption and a possible reduction in the risk of certain cancers, such as breast and colon cancer. It’s important to note that these studies are mainly observational, and more investigation is needed to understand the cause-and-effect relationship. 

7. Hair happiness: The benefits of peanut oil extend beyond the plate! Rich in vitamin E, peanut oil can penetrate hair follicles, potentially revitalizing and repairing dry, damaged strands. Consider using peanut oil as a natural hair treatment to address issues like dandruff, hair loss, and split ends. 

Remember: Moderation is key! While peanut oil offers a wealth of benefits, it’s still a calorie-dense food. Enjoy it as part of a balanced diet and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. 

By incorporating peanut oil into your diet and beauty routine, you can unlock a treasure trove of health-promoting properties. So go ahead, embrace the nutty goodness and experience the power of peanut oil! 

Nutrient composition 

  • Calories: 119  
  • Fat: 14 grams (Breakdown:)  
  • Saturated fat: 2.3 grams (While some saturated fat is needed in the diet, it’s important to limit intake to promote heart health.) 
  • Monounsaturated fat: 6.2 grams (This “good” fat can help lower LDL cholesterol and improve heart health.) 
  • Polyunsaturated fat: 4.3 grams (This category includes omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential but should be balanced with omega-3s for optimal health.) 
  • Other: 
  • Protein: 0 grams 
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams (This makes it a good choice for keto or low-carb diets.) 
  • Fiber: 0 grams 
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg (A plus for heart health!) 
  • Vitamin E: 14% Daily Value (DV) (This antioxidant is important for cell health and may offer various health benefits.) 

Important Note: These values are estimates and can vary slightly depending on the brand and processing methods used for the peanut oil. 


Adding groundnut oil to your cooking is a tasty and healthy way to make your food better and keep your body strong. Groundnut oil has good fats that are good for your heart and powerful things called antioxidants that help your body stay healthy. 

If you want to try groundnut oil that’s good, try Green Select’s double filtered groundnut oil. We make sure it tastes clean and doesn’t have strong flavors. It can handle high heat, so it’s great for stir-frying veggies, making tasty marinades, or adding a yummy nutty flavor to any dish. Green Select’s double filtered groundnut oil is perfect for all your cooking adventures! 


1. Is groundnut oil healthy? 

Groundnut oil can be a healthy addition to your diet in moderation. It’s a good source of “good” fats and vitamin E, but it’s still calorie-dense. 

2. What can I use groundnut oil for? 

Groundnut oil’s high smoke point makes it ideal for frying, stir-frying, and other high-heat cooking methods. You can also use it for salad dressings or drizzling over vegetables. 

3. Does groundnut oil have any downsides? 

While generally safe for most people, those with peanut allergies should avoid it. It’s also calorie-dense, so consume it in moderation. 

4. Are there different types of groundnut oil? 

Yes! Refined oil is neutral-flavored and has a high smoke point, while cold-pressed oil has a nuttier flavor and lower smoke point (better for dipping or dressings). Unrefined gourmet oil has the strongest peanut taste, perfect for finishing dishes. 

5. How much groundnut oil should I use? 

A tablespoon is a typical serving size for cooking. However, always follow recipe recommendations and prioritize healthy fats from various sources in your diet. 

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