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What Makes Groundnuts Unique? Cultivation, Varieties, and Ideal Conditions

  • Jun 24, 2024

The word “groundnut” can mean different plants with seeds or tubers that grow underground and are edible. But usually, it refers to peanuts. Peanuts are a type of legume scientifically called Arachis hypogaea. Even though they’re called nuts, peanuts aren’t true nuts in terms of botany. They grow underground after the flower dies and pushes itself into the soil. Peanuts are rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, and people all over the world like to eat them in many different ways. 

Why is the peanut confusing? Seed vs. Nut vs. Legume 

Peanuts are called “groundnuts” which makes them sound like nuts, but they actually grow underground in pods like peas! So, even though we call them nuts, peanuts are actually superstar legumes. 

  • Seeds: Tiny plant babies waiting to sprout. They come in all shapes and sizes, like sunflower seeds or watermelon seeds. Their main job is to grow into new plants! 
  • Nuts: These are like fancy seeds with a tough outer shell that you usually need to crack open to get to the yummy center. Almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts are all good examples. 
  • Legumes: Imagine these are the pod people! They grow in long, splittable pods, like pea pods. Inside, you’ll find several seeds, not just one like a nut. Peas, beans, lentils, and even peanuts (confusing, right?) are all legumes. 
Here’s a quick trick to remember
  • Seeds: Tiny plant babies. 
  • Nuts: Fancy seeds with a tough shell and one delicious center. 
  • Legumes: The pod people with multiple seeds inside. 

What are the ideal climatic conditions for growing groundnuts? 

Ever wondered what makes the perfect home for a peanut? These tasty legumes aren’t just buried treasure – they have specific preferences when it comes to climate. Let’s explore the perfect weather for growing yummy groundnuts. 

  • Think tropical! Groundnuts prefer warm temperatures between 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) during their growing season. This helps them grow nice and fast. 
  • They won’t tolerate frost, so forget about planting them in chilly weather. 
  • The soil temperature needs to be warm too, ideally above 21°C (70°F) for those seeds to sprout successfully. 
  • Peanuts are thirsty, but not too thirsty! They need moderate rainfall, somewhere between 50 to 125 cm (20 to 50 inches) spread evenly throughout the growing season. 
  • Having enough rain during planting helps the seeds germinate well, and good rain during pod development keeps the peanuts plump and happy. 
  • Too much rain, however, can lead to rot and disease, so good drainage is important. 
  • Just like any sunbather, peanuts love sunshine! They need plenty of direct sunlight for healthy growth and good peanut production. 

In a nutshell (pun intended!): Warm temperatures, moderate and well-distributed rainfall, and plenty of sunshine create the perfect recipe for a happy and productive peanut plant. 

Which soil types are best suited for groundnut cultivation?  

Peanuts, those delicious legumes, may seem like simple buried treasure, but they have specific preferences when it comes to their home – the soil! The right soil type can make or break your groundnut harvest. Here’s a breakdown of the ideal groundnut soil. 

Factors influencing groundnut cultivation 

  • Drainage: Groundnuts require well-drained soils to thrive. This means the soil should allow excess water to drain away effectively, preventing waterlogging which can lead to root suffocation and diseases like root rot. Sandy loam and loamy soils are ideal because they strike a balance between water-holding capacity and drainage. Soils with heavy clay content should be avoided or amended to improve drainage. Proper drainage ensures that groundnut plants have access to oxygen in the soil, which is crucial for healthy root development and overall plant growth. 
  • Soil texture: Groundnuts prefer sandy loam or loamy soils. Sandy loam soils have a good balance of sand, silt, and clay particles, providing adequate drainage while still retaining some moisture and nutrients. Loamy soils are also well-draining and have good structure, allowing for easy penetration of pegs (the structures that develop into peanuts). These soil types facilitate healthy root growth and make it easier for groundnut plants to develop and mature underground pods. 
  • Organic matter: Soil rich in organic matter is beneficial for groundnut cultivation. Organic matter improves soil structure, water retention capacity, and nutrient availability. It also encourages beneficial microbial activity in the soil, which aids in nutrient cycling and contributes to overall soil health. Organic matter can be increased by incorporating compost, crop residues, or organic amendments into the soil before planting. This practice not only improves soil fertility but also enhances the ability of the soil to support vigorous groundnut growth and development. 
  • Soil pH: The optimal soil pH range for groundnuts is between 6.0 and 6.5. This slightly acidic to neutral pH range is ideal for nutrient availability and uptake by groundnut plants. Soil pH influences the solubility of essential nutrients in the soil, such as phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients, which are critical for plant growth and development. If the soil pH is too high (alkaline) or too low (acidic), certain nutrients may become less available to plants, leading to nutrient deficiencies and reduced crop productivity. Soil pH can be adjusted through the application of lime to raise pH or elemental sulfur to lower pH, depending on soil test recommendations. 
  • Soil testing: Before planting groundnuts, it is crucial to conduct soil testing to assess soil nutrient levels, pH, and other physical and chemical properties. Soil testing provides valuable information that helps farmers make informed decisions about soil fertility management and nutrient supplementation. Based on soil test results, farmers can determine the need for fertilizers and soil amendments such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients. This targeted approach ensures that groundnut plants receive the necessary nutrients in the right amounts, promoting healthy growth and maximizing yield potential. 
  • Crop rotation: Crop rotation is an important practice in groundnut cultivation. Rotating groundnuts with other crops helps in managing soil fertility, reducing disease and pest pressure, and improving overall crop yield and quality. Groundnuts are often rotated with cereals like maize or sorghum, or with leguminous crops such as soybeans or cowpeas. Leguminous crops are particularly beneficial because they fix nitrogen in the soil through symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which can reduce the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in subsequent crops. Crop rotation also helps break pest and disease cycles specific to groundnuts, promoting healthier plants and higher yields over time. 

What are the different varieties of groundnuts available in India?

  • Kadiri-2  
  • Kadiri-3 
  • BG-1 
  • BG-2  
  • Kuber  
  • GAUG-1  
  • GAUG-10  
  • PG-1  
  • T-28   
  • T-64

Varieties of groundnuts in the main growing states 

1. Gujarat 

    Gujarat, India’s groundnut kingpin, cultivated 1.7 million hectares in 2022. The kharif season (June-July sowing, October harvest) dominates. “GG-20” (1992) remains the top choice, showcasing farmer loyalty. Spanish peanuts like “GG-2” (1982) and “TLG-45” (2007) add variety. Seed sourcing from companies and mills broadens Gujarat’s peanut repertoire. 

    2. Andra Pradesh 

      Andhra Pradesh, just behind Gujarat, offers a wide variety of groundnuts. Most farmers here prefer the “Kadiri-6” Spanish peanut because it gives a lot of nuts and has a lot of oil. But there’s more! The “Narayani” Spanish type is also popular. Andhra Pradesh grows other types like “JL-24,” “TMV-2,” “TAG-24,” “Kadiri-9,” and “Kadiri Haritandhra” too. This mix meets different needs in the market and shows that Andhra Pradesh is strong in growing groundnuts. 

      3. Rajasthan 

        In Rajasthan, a significant contributor to groundnut farming, the focus is on selecting varieties known for their ability to withstand tough conditions. Varieties like TG-39 and Ruchi are particularly valued for their resilience in dry and harsh climates. These adaptable varieties play a crucial role in maintaining stable groundnut production in Rajasthan, even under challenging environmental circumstances. 

        4. Tamil Nadu 

          Travel south to Tamil Nadu, where the focus shifts to taste and quality. Popular varieties like T-28, VRI-4, and TMV-2 are prized for their delightful flavor and superior quality. These delectable peanuts are ideal for direct consumption or creating mouthwatering peanut-based products, making Tamil Nadu a key contributor to India’s delicious groundnut experience. 

          5. Maharashtra 

            Maharashtra’s groundnut strategy centers around achieving a perfect balance. ICGV-91003 and Kharchia varieties are the state’s weapons of choice. These options offer a sweet spot between high yield and strong disease resistance, ensuring a reliable harvest for farmers. Maharashtra’s focus on balanced and dependable varieties makes it a crucial player in India’s overall groundnut production. 

            6. Karnataka 

              In Karnataka, different types of land and weather don’t pose a problem for its groundnut varieties. Ajeya, Kadiri Haritandhra, and KNC-4 are the top choices here. These versatile options make sure groundnut farming in Karnataka does well in all its different areas, helping Karnataka play a big role in India’s groundnut production. 


              From Gujarat’s extensive cultivation to Tamil Nadu’s focus on quality, India’s diverse regions contribute significantly to groundnut production, meeting both domestic needs and global demand. As a sustainable source of protein and essential nutrients, groundnuts play a crucial role in agriculture and nutrition worldwide. Green Selects double-filtered groundnut oil, made from peanuts grown in Gujarat’s Saurashtra region, is well-known for its health benefits and great taste, making this nutritious crop even more appealing.

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